Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Visual Communication with Suzie

Hey everyone!

So, we had our first lesson with Suzie last week. I have to say, it wasnt what i expected it to be, i thought it would all be help and advice on the project. But we talked about the importance of images, and logos, e.g: M for McDonald's, what that image portrays, who is the audience and who is the artist, and what we think or feel when we see that particular image.

Suzie also showed us two images on the board, which were 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch and 'Ichh Habe Angst' by Rosemarie Trockel. As a group, we discussed what was happening in the images, the feelings it portrays, what we think of it etc.

We then watched a short film by Martin Scorcese called 'The Big Shave'. I have to admit, when Suzie told us to brace ourselves, i did start to worry. But i found the video quite boring, even though it did have a lot of blood and gore, it didnt spark my interest at all. Once Suzie explained it to us, i understood the meaning behind it, but it didnt phase me like it did others in the class.

Anyways, toodles!

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